The Gift of Chess Reaches 25 Countries

For Immediate Release:

During the height of the covid 19 pandemic 10,000 chess sets were donated to public school students across NYC, giving them an opportunity to reconnect physically in their local communities through the game of chess. This gesture of giving chess sets would become known as The Gift of Chess, which is now a 501(c) (3) federally recognized charity.

The Gift of Chess rapidly grew, and over the past 1.5 years we have donated 50,500 chess sets across Africa reaching nearly 30 countries with 1,000 + chess sets each. These chess sets are distributed through an appointed ambassador to each country and given in gifts of 5 chess sets each across school orphanage, prisons, refugee communities and community centers.

Chess is a low-cost, universally recognized tool that we can use to expand educational opportunities and connect people across multiple layers of society, quickly sparking opportunities to those who invest in the game.

Over the coming months, we will land 41,000 chess sets into Panama for distribution across all of South, Central and Latin America.

Most recently, 1,000 chess sets have arrived in The Congo, a country experiencing incredible challenges. With access to a simple chess set, people can be active participants in positive change through teaching others and organizing groups of people through chess classes, chess competitions, and social play.

Our goal is to reach every country in the world with 1,000 + chess sets and distribute a total of 1 million chess sets globally by 2030.

The Gift of Chess will need plenty of support to make this dream a reality. Please consider supporting our efforts. Every dollar donated will go directly towards the purchase and distribution of chess sets globally.

Countries Reached:

United States, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Gambia, South Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, The Congo, Rwanda, Lesetho, Liberia, Ethiopia, Gabone, Togo, Eswantini, Namimbia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zimbabwe.


2nd Annual KDOC Chess Championship


1,000 Chess Sets Reach Botswana!