1000 Chess Sets Reach Malawi

Dadaz Chess Academy under the leadership of Susan Namangale has now received 1000 Gift of Chess chess sets & are preparing distribution across Malawi. Over the coming months we will be distributing 1,000 chess sets (5 set gifts) across school, prisons, centers, etc.

Chess is a low-cost opportunity catalyst, helping ignite opportunity and release human potential.

The Story of Susan Namangale:

I come from a very humble beginning.. The school where you see me wearing a hat teaching chess to children is where I went to school over 30 years ago, I was going to school barefooted & lacking basics in life growing up in the village…This is my story

I pushed my way through education with lots of enduring stories in between and got myself place in society.. The first sacrifice I made was when I sacrificed my little pocket money and purchased a chess set for my club at Providence secondary school where we played chess chess.

From then on I always sacrifice my little resources to reach out to children in rural areas using chess knowing they can also have their potential unleashed like I did. the partnership with The Gift of Chess is a great milestone for me and has justified the reason why it is important to sacrifice in life as sometimes a sacrifice on the chess game is necessary for a good game. I am so emotional with excitement and thank you from the bottom of my heart as people will now know what I do has an impact in society.

I am hoping that soon I will take one of the chess sets as a gift to my country Malawi president to elaborate the power of chess as a game of strategy and what chess can do to our society and highlight our partnership with The Gift of Chess.

Susan Namangale

Read About Susan





1,000 Chess Sets Reach South Sudan


The Gift of Chess Partners with Morgan Stanley